Back in 2007 I was just about to leave school to go to University. In our last term we were asked to make a powerpoint presentation about a poem called ‘The Clod and the Pebble’ by William Blake. But instead of making a boring powerpoint myself and my friend Jake (or my friend Jake and I?) thought we’d make a film about it instead. That’s when my life changed forever (that sounds really cheesy but it’s true).

Our teacher loved the video we made, mainly down to effort, but I’d caught the bug. Up until that point in my life I had no real idea of what I wanted to do, sure I’d wanted to be a footballer at one point, but after getting double subbed in a match I called it a day. It’s a weird feeling that I can’t really explain. But making videos and films gives me a rush. It’s something I look forward to doing day in and day out. It’s something that I always want to improve on and learn new ways of doing things, share ideas with other people and try to be the best. Simply put, I love it.

I consider myself VERY lucky to be doing what I’m doing now, but this week’s Video Show shows you how I got started. I’ve got a few clips from my first films I made on my Dad’s digital camera that I rarely share these days, so consider yourself honoured!

Once again thanks for watching #TheVideoShow and I’ll see you the same time next week.