Being scared of standing in front of the camera is one of the biggest problems that hold people back from starting to make videos. It’s all to easy to put it off and put it off for weeks, months and even years before actually setting out to create videos for their business.

In this week’s Video Show we set about trying to help these kinds of people to get started.

When I first started creating videos for Red Book Productions, I was so scared I couldn’t even speak, I either had to put on a voice (terrible idea) or not speak at all. The key for me was just to get started, I look back at the first video I made now and cringe. But that’s because in each video I created, I made small adjustments, small improvements on how I look, how I speak, the lighting, the camera and the location. It’s these small improvements each time that make it easier, you grow with confidence each time you make a video and learn from previous mistakes.

It’s important to remember that nobody cares about how you look or sound, they just want to listen to what you have to say. It’s like when you’re watching a speech at a wedding. NOBODY wants the person speaking to make a fool of themselves, they just want to hear an interesting or funny story or at worst they’re just glad it’s not them up there making a speech.

The more you make videos the more you’ll learn the more you’ll enjoy it and the more you’ll make. Once you get into a flow there’s not a lot that can stop you.