Blog 7 or Summing up 2012

Hello there! I hope you had a good Christmas.

This final blog of 2012 seems like a nice way to sum up all the things that I’ve learnt over the past year.

Not having anything to do with business studies at school or University has left me with a lot to learn, and I’ve had to learn a lot by making mistakes.

In April I started networking with 4Networking and although I’d heard of networking before I never realised how important is was to grow your business. It seems ridiculous now but how did I think I was going to get work, it takes a lot of building relationships with people at things like networking events, although it is also important to build up a presence online, especially through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Although this as well takes a lot of work when it comes to building relationships, you can’t just keep slamming your same old posts about what you’re doing all the time, but get involved in the conversations, it’s a long game and definitely wont happen overnight it is something I’ve got better at recently and something that I am still working on improving. It’s also taken me a while to realise that Red Book Productions will never be the finished article it has to keep changing to keep growing and firstly become successful and then maintain that success.

It was good to develop the business by being involved in a number of projects over the year, with ‘A Welcome to Whitchurch’ from January to June to coincide with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee I got the chance to learn a lot about Whitchurch the town that I now live in, shoot some great footage and put together a documentary that was shown to the town on the jubilee weekend.

It seems years ago but it was only in April that I worked with Jude Price from Creative Conundrums working on World Doodle Day to create event and the resulting video below:

This was a really fun day to shoot and lots of different people got involved an event that involved lots of different people. Jude’s the expert when it comes to doodling and what it means on a sub-conscious level, so if that’s something that interests you then contact her.

In December we offered Video Christmas Cards with Quotini and one of the videos that we created (below) is a Dynamic Illustration which is a new sort of video which a lot of different companies are doing. It’s a fun and versatile way to promote your business and I will be working with Darren Hignett and Quotini further into 2013. The videos we made proved really popular and something that I’m proud of. The illustrations took a lot of work, but after trying a few different things and lighting I like the look of it, and it’s going to be exciting as we carry it on into next year.

I mentioned it earlier on Facebook and Twitter but I’m working on a promotional video for Yes You Can Events who are running the Entrepreneurs Roadshow Basingstoke on 31st January 2013, the first video I’m making involves getting a number of people to say one line to the camera, if you’re interested just email me and I’ll tell you more, it will take literally 2 minutes of your time and I’d really appreciate any help.

Well that’s all for Blogging this year, I’m sure you don’t want to read my waffling on and on all day. Thank you very much for reading this Blog and if you could share it you will earn my everlasting respect. Have a happy and successful 2013.

All the best,
