Top 7 Tips for getting your video more views

There are many MANY ways to get your videos seen online. But because I don’t want to take up your entire day I thought I’d keep it clipped down to a nice seven.

1. YouTube Keywords

Assuming that your business video is on YouTube (and it should be). Keywords are essential to make sure that your video is found by the right people. When you upload your video you’ll see two boxes below, one with a description (see number 2 on this list) and one with keywords. These are the searchable tags that you put in to make sure your video can be found.  I don’t want to go on all day but you can watch this video about putting the right kinds of keywords together.

2. Descriptions

When you upload your video to YouTube just above your keywords box  you’ll see your ‘Description’ box. Now don’t just put a short description in here, FILL IT UP. Use as many keywords as you can in it, (but make sure it makes sense) and put a lot of external links in there, getting people to look back at relevant pages on your website (after all you want people to be looking at your content not YouTube’s).

3. Share it yourself

Especially when you’re just starting out you’ve got to build your audience, so get onto Twitter, LinkedIn and your Facebook page and share your content like wildfire. If what you’re giving away is really great people will be more inclined to share it to their friends and colleagues. 

4. Give genuine value

A great way to make sure that people watch and re-watch your videos is to give information that they’re genuinely craving. Too many businesses worry about giving away too much information. But if you’re giving people genuine value they’ll start to look to you as the expert. Sure a few will mill you until you’re dry, but ultimately you’re in control of the content. And there will be a huge number of people who appreciate what you’re giving  away and won’t have the time or motivation to put your tips into action themselves. So who do you think they will call first?

5. Encourage shares/likes/subscriptions

Within your videos themselves encourage shares, likes and subscriptions. Only very rarely will someone do this without being prompted. If you don’t ask you don’t get. Use YouTube annotations to ask for a ‘thumbs up’ or leave a title at the end of the video saying ‘Don’t forget to subscribe’. There’s loads of ways to get people to share your content, just don’t be afraid to ask for it.

6. Pay for it

Paying for it isn’t a bad idea. With all the detail you can put into an advert paying for exposure is a guaranteed way to reach your audience. Test the water first with small amounts to make sure you’re getting your message spot on. Don’t be afraid to chop and change your video until you get the perfect message.

7. Be the best

In any kind of video you make you really want it to stand out. So if you’re appearing in the videos yourself you want to be the best version of you that you can be. If you’re not then it’s bound to show, and have a negative impact on your video. If you’re confident, witty and giving out great value then you’re sure to make a FANTASTIC video worth sharing.

If you’d like to know more about being confident and getting your videos to stand out online why not come along to our workshop on the 25th September at Wokefield Park in Reading? If you’d like to know more click here…Screenshot 2014-09-02 16.27.26