I’ve used a GoPro in a lot of my work over the past few years. And with the release of the GoPro Hero 5 Black I thought it was high time to replace my old GoPro Hero 2.

What I love about GoPros is that they’re versatile, small, easy to use and very importantly waterproof. Well that’s the main reason I bought the Hero 2 a few years ago. With the new Hero 5 Black I decided to compare and contrast it with existing GoPros, such as my old camera and it’s closest rival the Hero 4 Black. We thought we’d look at things like the quality of the shot (4K in the 4 and 5, and 1080p) the ease of use and how they compare in low light (amongst other things)

I’ve used my GoPro a lot over the years, they’re great for shooting quick business videos, and video blogs as they can fit in your pocket or on a selfie stick. So if you’re looking on making creative looking videos that show a little bit more time and effort get a GoPro, but watch this video first!