Last week I went to Stefan Thomas’ Networking Retreat.

As the author of ‘Business Networking for Dummies’ and ‘Instant Networking’ Stef knows a hell of a lot about networking. In fact I’ve been on the networking retreat before… twice. And this is the third time I’ve come along.

Coming along for the third time I wanted to make sure I got something from it. And I had a good idea of what I wanted to learn and how I could fine tune my networking to make sure I’m approaching it in the right way.

When it comes to networking itself I’d consider myself a ‘seasoned networker’ having attended my first 4Networking meeting in 2012, I’ve been to over 200 events in the last few years and have built up a large network of like minded business owners.

However, I’ve struggled to talk about The Video Toolkit at networking events, I don’t know about you, but when you launch a new product or service, it’s amazingly hard to find the right words to say to describe it. And then somebody else comes along and describes it perfectly. That’s what I wanted from the retreat, and to be fair that’s what I got.

Do you find it hard to step away from your business and look at it for what it is? For me, that’s what the Networking Retreat allowed me to do. To PAUSE and think about how I can approach my business in terms of networking.

It’s always good to hear new ideas, and that’s why I wanted to go on the retreat again, to find meet some new people and learn some new approaches, especially when it comes to talking about the Video Toolkit. In this video I break down the Networking Retreat into three questions. What it is. What people are saying about it. And what actually happens when you go… enjoy!