There are loads of different ways to make great content, blogs, articles, podcasts, animated videos, but in my mind none build trust in quite the way that video does. You may feel I’m being hypocritical by writing a blog about this subject, but I’m actually repurposing all of this from a video that I made which you can see here:

The best way to build trust with video is to have a person in the video, ideally you. By putting yourself in the firing line you’ll make it easier for people to connect with you, to realise who you are and what you sound like. People take both audio and visual cues from a conversation. It’s a bit like when you’re reading a text, you can’t quite grasp the tone of the message, and if you’ll often project your own feelings onto it. It becomes a bit easier if you can hear them, but it becomes even easier if you can see them as well. 

That’s exactly why you’ve got to bite the bullet and appear in your next video. 

So, a few things to bear in mind that might give you an extra bit of confidence. When people first meet they look at four things:

1.What you’re wearing

I wouldn’t go so far as to say ‘Dress Smart’ but I would say ‘Dress for the occasion’. Make sure you’re wearing what people expect you to be wearing.

2. The location you’re in

With video, you’re entirely in control of the location, so make sure the background is distraction free, it’s well lit and the focus is entirely on you.

3. Whether your posture matches theirs

A bit harder to do in video form, but use your common sense. Don’t slouch, don’t swing your arms about like a moody teenager, be natural. 

4. If you mention a mutual acquaintance 

This is a good one! You can mention people they’re likely to have heard of to underline a point you’ve made. If someone you both like/know and trust, they’ll be quicker to agree with you as well. 

Keep an eye out for my future Video Shows. I’m always looking for ideas for future episodes, if you have a question for a future episode, put it in the comments below!