Before you decide whether or not you want to come along to our Social Bites day on the 5th October, see what our ‘guinea pig’ Tom had to say about how his videos had worked for him.

If you’d like to create a bigger following online and start turning those followers into paying customers, find out how on our ‘Social Bites’ day.


You might be wondering what a ‘Social Bite’ looks like, well we’ve also been working with Hannah Liversidge from Amethyst PA to make a series of three ‘Social Bites’ specially designed for her Facebook page.

The original video is available on Amethyst PA’s Facebook page:Amethyst – Social Media, Enewsletters, Blogs, Admin – all that jazz

If you want to make videos like this that can generate interest in your social media following and turn those followers into website visitors and then paying customers book into our ‘Social Bites’ day on the 5th October: