When you’re starting up there’s an awful lot of noise surrounding everything. I know when I first started out I didn’t really know where to turn, with five people pulling me towards email marketing, four different networking companies inviting me to events and various social media companies arguing about what I should be concentrating on.

It can be a nightmare.

If you’re a start-up and looking to use video I’d advise one thing… firstly explain simply and quickly what you do and how you can help. Don’t get too tied up with features and benefits concentrate on the problems that your product or service helps to solve.

Video isn’t always the answer, particularly if you’re not using any other form of marketing to back it up, but when you’re taking your first steps explaining what you do and how you can help with an explainer video goes a long way to introducing yourself to the big wide world.

If you’ve got any questions for future video shows leave a comment below or use the hashtag #thevideoshow on Twitter and Instagram and we’ll answer your question in a future show.